Little bits of life
Little bits of life
Little bits of life

2009 - 2008 - 2007 - 2006

Movies - PostSecret - Theresa - IreneQ - Robin - Galvin - Lucian - nickpan - pearlpan - cliepan - cleopan - Jakob - mf - MoodySunRay - Ashng - jeffery - rendezvous - Sunnie - Rainia - Perky butt - DW - totenkopf - Raymond - Ecstasy - Kruder - Epicurious -

Happy Birthday!

Monday, Apr. 23, 2007
10:32 A.M.

Event:My birthday
Place:Jack's Place,Marina Square
People involved: Wei & me

The largest bouquet of flowers ever received

Blowing the candle b4 the aircon beat me to it!

The happiest & greatest birthday I ever had lies on 20th April 2007. Thank you darling!

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Love insurance

Tuesday, Apr. 03, 2007
12:02 P.M.

Wei having casual fun with ball

You know what? I spent a lot of time being miserable. It's like misery is an old friend. And it tricks you sometimes into thinking that it's just always gonna be there and that you can't be happy. But maybe I can, I can walk away from pain. And I think being in love's the best way to do it. Looking at Wei, I thought that maybe he�s the right person to fix me right again.

If only there's such a thing called,"Love Insurance."

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