Little bits of life
Little bits of life
Little bits of life

2009 - 2008 - 2007 - 2006

Movies - PostSecret - Theresa - IreneQ - Robin - Galvin - Lucian - nickpan - pearlpan - cliepan - cleopan - Jakob - mf - MoodySunRay - Ashng - jeffery - rendezvous - Sunnie - Rainia - Perky butt - DW - totenkopf - Raymond - Ecstasy - Kruder - Epicurious -

little invaders

Friday, Dec. 21, 2007
10:20 P.M.

The gaming server been down these few nights so I've been amusing myself with the tennis game in my hp. It was in the midst of one particular crucial match that the little ones decided to make their presence known.


Wei's niece & nephew (invaders)

Do they look alike?

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VG X'mas 07

Sunday, Dec. 16, 2007
1:35 P.M.

Posting up some pictures taken from the game (Vanguard: Saga of Heroes) I'm playing.

Us having fun outside a city

Our guild house warming up the atmosphere

This is a very fun flying mount!

Decorated my house

Tired after a day's work


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X'mas decos!

Thursday, Dec. 13, 2007
1:28 P.M.

Christmas is round the corner so we did the normal stuff which people normally do during this time of the year.

Activity : A Walk Down Orchard Road

I love the cool lighting of this year's deco.


Nay, just us in front of Takashimaya's giant X'mas tree.Past years will see me looking upon couples & family taking photos there but I'm not involved. So...we created a new memory for myself - we took a picture there! Now I'm involved!

Project: Surprise!

After knocking off work, I spent some time doing some Christmas deco shopping & hurried home to prepare some surprise for Wei.

Deco on his door

X'mas deco on his table

Our rings

Still hoping to be married next year but $$$ kinda tight. Bumped into an old friend on my way to work last week & he lamented abt the wedding expenses too.

God help us.

*By the way, I've just upgraded my site's account so to activate the comments thingy. No one told me my comment aren't working till I went test it today. Anyway, the payment processing now so if u still can't comment, give it a few days.

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