Little bits of life
Little bits of life
Little bits of life

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Happily ever after

Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2008
1:57 A.M.

Someone once wrote this:

Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering.

Readers these days been remarking about the change of style in my blog & I couldn't think of a good explaination. Maybe it does seem that Wei's being taking the centerstage. Maybe I'm shallower. Maybe...of many reasons, factors & circumstances.

2 yrs ago, a man brought me to a house & set it on fire, leaving me banging at the window panes, watching his form fade away from my vision. Just at the point when I've given up hope, someone held my hand & led me out of the collapsing house. Since then, I've never let that hand go. It'll be a lie to say that my story ends happily ever after. No one ever live the way of the fairy tales.

These days, all I want to do is focus on the present & my present lies with this man who is still holding my hand, who has this enormous patience to put up with my little tantrums, stuff & all. There are times when tears are shed but are quickly dashed away with laughter. Just want to be happy & look at the happy stuff. Life is funny sometimes. It can push pretty hard but if you look close enough, you can find hope in the words of children, in the bars of the song and in the eyes of someone you love. I'm probably what they call 'the luckiest person on earth' because the person I love loves me back. I've no complaints. Life is still great despite the fact that I'm still being pushed around by Wei's father but then, that's another story for anothe day, perhaps.

I just want to live the way of the fairy tales - happily ever after.

A Happy Belated V day for all!

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Backblog 07 - 08

Monday, Feb. 11, 2008
9:52 P.M.

Need to backblog quite a bit so letting pictures speak up for myself.

X'mas 07

X'mas dinner that I prepared

Make ur own bear!

Went Suntec & saw how this shop made the whole process of making stuffed toys oh-so-fun. Run out of ideas of how to amuse ur kid? Just bring the little one to this shop & see how they give soft toys a whole different meaning.

Step 1: Choose ur own toy

Step 2: Head to stuffing station

Step 3: Hail the baby sitter

Jan 08' window shopping

Master at work


That's the size of the root beer

Typical meal but still good!

Favourite foto of the month!

Picture of DARLING!

I'm so glad I bought a camera phone. By the way, darling bought the same phone as me.

Life is great.

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