Little bits of life
Little bits of life
Little bits of life

2009 - 2008 - 2007 - 2006

Movies - PostSecret - Theresa - IreneQ - Robin - Galvin - Lucian - nickpan - pearlpan - cliepan - cleopan - Jakob - mf - MoodySunRay - Ashng - jeffery - rendezvous - Sunnie - Rainia - Perky butt - DW - totenkopf - Raymond - Ecstasy - Kruder - Epicurious -

Common, simple, beautiful ways

Friday, Jan. 30, 2009
11:16 P.M.

Don�t you agree
When they all say
�Home is where the heart is.�
But do you see
With every step that you take,
You get further away
From where the heart is.

It�s so easy to be blinded
& caught up in the clouds where everything�s in a haze
Causing you to forget about the days,
Of the common, simple, beautiful ways.

I remember all the times that I had spent with my friends.
Taking BART to San Francisco just for 350 cents.
Talking, laughing, joking - didn�t quite k now what was to come.
Years of memories, irreplaceable fun.

I remember telling mom that I�d make her proud one day.
She would smile and knew exactly all the right things to say.
Man, I miss her & can�t wait till I get back to the bay.
Back to the common, simple, beautiful ways.

Isn�t it nice,
To simply know,
There�s somewhere you can go back to.
So it�s a big sacrifice
Everytime that you decide
You can�t even if you want to.

It�s so easy to be blinded
& caught up in the clouds where everything�s in a haze
Causing you to forget about the days,
Of the common, simple, beautiful ways.

I remember all the times that I had spent with my friends.
Taking BART to San Francisco just for 350 cents.
Talking, laughing, joking - didn�t quite know what was to come.
Years of memories, irreplaceable fun.

I remember telling mom that I�d make her proud one day.
She would smile and knew exactly all the right things to say.
Man, I miss her & can�t wait till I get back to the bay.
Back to the common, simple, beautiful ways.

So even though,
I am happy now,
I�ll never forget where I�m from & how I came to be.

What was common, ended up to be
A very unique treasure I have now decided to keep.

I remember all the times that I had spent with my friends.
Taking BART to San Francisco just for 350 cents.
Talking, laughing, joking - didn�t quite k now what was to come.
Years of memories, irreplaceable fun.

I remember telling mom that I�d make her proud one day.
She would smile and knew exactly all the right things to say.
Man, I miss her & can�t wait till I get back to the bay.
Back to the common, simple, beautiful ways

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Me. No. Enemy

Friday, Jan. 30, 2009
8:26 A.M.

I�ve stopped gaming for abt 2 wks after I got sick of the ridiculous conflicts we been having in game ever since he went over to work with his brother-in-law. Contrary to belief, I didn�t suffer from withdrawal syndrome. Reason being is that now whenever I see Warhammer Online, it brings to memory of those ridiculous conflicts we had just over a game, which ended up wasting some nights being unhappy instead of relaxing after work so now I�m sort of turned off by that game. After I stopped gaming, the probability of us being in conflict dropped by a whole lot of percentage. Of course, that doesn�t mean all is well & peaceful during the off-gaming days but my decision of dropping that particular hobby has dramatically decrease the chances of me stepping into a land mine.

Felt a sense of relief when he finally opened up & talked last night. Not that I didn�t try to breach the subject during this period of trying times but he just wasn�t ready to switch off his defensive mode & realised that HEY! MY WIFE�S NOT THE ENEMY! As suspected, Darling is really suffering from stress, just that he didn�t realise it till yesterday. Oh well, now his current mission is to find a way to avoid bringing his work stress all the way into the family�else poor me will have to walk through the land mine everyday or end up loading myself with more work so that I have lesser time with him. Truth to be told, there were a few nights when I do drag my feet back home.

I�m just a human being, not Rambo. I'm no angel myself so it's not an easy task biting my tongue so as not to aggravate certain situations.

In the meantime, I�m happily dwelling in the world of Dragonlance novels.

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CNY celebrations

Tuesday, Jan. 27, 2009
9:29 P.M.

Went to Malaysia, Kulai for CNY's visitation. Enjoyed my time there as Alvin's relatives are all easy to get along with. Many households are able to get their hands on small-scale fireworks & so for the past two nights, people are setting off fireworks in their own backyards. It's kinda romantic taking a walk under such conditions.

Some households must be doing well in their businesses for those fireworks sure aren't cheap, costing btw 100-1k ringgit. Some families actually set off a string of fireworks for 2 mins straight. Wow.

An interview with Alvin

I had a fun CNY celebrations, what about you guys?

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Sleep well Ally

Friday, Jan. 16, 2009
2:42 A.M.

Yet another sleepless night.

If only I won't get so easily stressed by the opinions of others, so easily affected by the words of others. I know it's easy for one to criticise, to let out a careless word, looking at the plank in someone's eye but not see it in themselves. I know it's silly to lose sleep over minor things, words spoken by others who wouldn't really care if I take it seriously & to heart. I know I know but somedays, I can't put it down & I end up tossing around in bed before giving up any hopes of sleep, running here to sort out my inner turmoil before I gratefully submit to the whispers of sleep.

Alvin & this current job of mine, is like a lovely bubble of happiness. Alvin shields me from my domineering mother's control while tutoring enables me to experience the joys of teaching without being entangled with politics & excessive redudant workload in school teaching. Get so burnt up whenever I'm in an organisation. I just try so hard to please.

Those who know the old me would think I'm a tough little nut with a mind of my own. Actually, I'm not that tough. It's generally what the society & family been doing to me. I stood up to my mom millions of times, insisting on going for backpacking, scuba diving trips..suffering from the sacasms, sharp words that welcomed me for every single inch of hard won fresh air I managed to gasp. Truth to be told, these gasps of fresh air are none compared to what I have now. True, I'm not as active & wild as before but that's because the simple life I have now, seems so much enriching & happier. I don't have to be tough. I am what I am. Sharing my little journeys in life with my soulmate is a lot better than staring at the lovely blue seas in Italy with me, myself & I. Really loving my life now.

So Ally, be at peace. He loves you no matter how ridiculous or silly you are. Remember what he always tell you, that his opinion matters, not others. He loves you no matter how ridiculous or silly you are.

Sleep well Ally. Sleeep...

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I'm loving my life

Thursday, Jan. 08, 2009
8:53 A.M.

Though 2008 ended with a less than satisfactory note, 2009 began well. That�s the good & bad part being a freelancer. It�s bad when you lose a �contract� but it�s good when you can find another. I�m still enjoying every part of the freedom it gives me though so please�give up the idea of persuading me going back to teaching. If I can earn as much as what MOE pays me & yet work half the workload, then�yeah, you get what I mean.

Due to the fact that I�ve been sleeping early, I�m able to wake up early as well. It�s really nice waking up this early because the day seems longer. Of course, the nights are pretty short as well, especially on those few nights where I�ve to work. Alvin�s trying to adjust to the change though, since during the last 2 mths, he�s pretty used to have me welcome him home after work while now, it�s the other way round. However, I think that the change is good. He could use the time alone to do some stuff, meet up with friends AND being the one to welcome me home this time round!


Hungry. Went out to buy some breakfast when this silken soft cool breeze started blowing all around me. It makes me wanna spread my arms & pretend that I can fly. It�s as though God is telling me to remember Him & acknowledge Him. Oh yeah, I�m constantly giving thanks to God & Alvin for allowing me this freedom to pursue what I want.

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